Gov 365N/MES 323K
Questions for Class 25: April 22, 2008
1. Under what political conditions might an independent Arab
bourgeoisie emerge? Discuss the relative possibilities of its emergence
under bunker, bully, monarchical and semi-democratic conditions? To what
extent, under what sorts of conditions, might it act as a transnational
2. We have looked at some of the Arab plans for reform,
such as the Alexandria Statement of March 14, 2004, and the Arab Human
Development Report for 2002, 2003, and for 2004. Reform
and greater freedom are supposed to come from
within the region, via local initiatives (such as POGAR of the
UNDP). But AHDR 2004 does admit a "half-way house" scenario,
whereby "a program endorsed by external forces would induce a series
of internal reforms in the Arab countries" (p. 20). Does either the United
States or the EU have programs compatible with those of the Arab reformers?
3. To what extent can "Old" Europe and the United States work
together to promote reform in Iran and the Arab world?
4. Is the MENA really in transition or are we observers just
stuck in an old paradigm that no longer works?